deliverytime is 30-45 minutes p>
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basiszutatWaehlen Select one of the following basic ingredients
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auchAlsApp Now available as an app.
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vollstaendigeDaten Complete your data. Complete data is needed to carry out your order.
min3Zeichen Please insert at least three signs.
min3Buchstaben Please insert at least three letters.
keineProdukteImWarenkorbHeader You have no items in your shopping cart.
keineProdukteImWarenkorbContent Please add items to continue.
titelBasiszutatenAuswahl Select basic ingredients for your product
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keineBestellungGeschlossen We are closed.
keineBestellungGeschlossenUntertitel Ordering isn't possible.
keineBestellungGeschlossenNachricht We are closed. You therefore can not submit any order. Come back later.
nurZahlen Insert only numbers, please
geradeNichtLiefern Da Sie uns außerhalb der Lieferzeiten besucht haben können wir Ihren Lierferwunsch nicht entgegen nehmen.
Wir liefern wieder in %s. No delivery at the moment. You visited us outside our opening hours, so we aren't able to process your order. We deliver again in..
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box-hinweis Please click here to select this box.
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gueltigeEmail Please insert a valid e-mail adress
einBisVierZeichen Please insert 1 to 6 letters (valid characters are 0 to 9, A to Z, space, hyphen and slash)
gueltigePlz Please insert a valid postcode
fehlerBestellung Error when ordering
fehlerBestellung2 The order could not be carried out due to an unknown error. Try again later.
fehlerhafteEingaben Please complete the missing and correct false entries.
vollstaendigeDaten Your order can only be accepted with complete data.
mbwNichtErreicht Minimum order value has not been reached.
fehlerAufgetreten An error has occured
konfigurationDatenEingeben Type in the needed configuration data with which to initialise the page.
speiseGetraenkAuswaehlen Please choose a dish or a beverage.
fehler Error
checkoutFormInvalidFirstname Please type in a valid first name.
checkoutFormInvalidLastname Please type in a valid surname.
checkoutFormInvalidCompany Please type in a valid company name.
checkoutFormInvalidEmail Please type in a valid E-mail adress.
checkoutFormInvalidPhone Please type in a valid phone number (only numbers + - and brackets).
checkoutFormInvalidStreet Please type in a valid street name.
checkoutFormInvalidStreetNo Please type in a valid street number.
checkoutFormInvalidPostal Please type in a valid postal code.
checkoutFormInvalidCityName Please type in a valid city name.
inhaltsstoffe-text Allergy Information & Ingredients
liefergiebteAufBlick Areas of delivery at a glance small>
new_box_text New box
inhaltsstoffe_head_text Substances contained in the food or products, can cause allergies or intolerances, please see our detailed list of all additives span>.
inhaltsstoffe_sub_text Printing errors, mistakes and changes reserved.
search-box-text Search for a category or product number
keine-suchergebnisse no results found
items-in-box-legen You need to add an item before you can create a new box.
lieferzeit Delivery time
trans_abort Transaction abort
trans_success Transaction success
montag Monday
dienstag Tuesday
mittwoch Wednesday
donnerstag Thursday
freitag Friday
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sonntag Sunday
feiertag Holiday
und and
ruhetag closed
paymentMeldung There is an error with your PayPal payment. Please try again.
onlinepaymentmessage Payment is running. Please don't close this page.
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discount-box-text discount of you order.
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keineZahlungsart No payment method available
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abholadresse Your address
abholzeit Time of selfcollection